XBT Name









Team Play

A skillful Queen commander turns the lane into hell for opposing XBTs with her accurate shots.

She grinds fast, changes position swiftly (leaving no spot on the battlefield without track marks), goes behind enemy lines and even backdoors supercomputers.

Queen can easily catch and finish off a damaged opponent while the opponent can't do the same to her. She gets many kills in early and mid game and is also effective in teamfights with her CC ultimate.

Her weakness is her defense. She can die almost "instantly" if she gets caught in any stun.

Skill Q
Skill Q
Skill Q
Skill Q


Left Mouse Button

Queen's cannon fires very fast and accurately from medium range. It allows Queen to grind quickly and simultaneously harass her opponents.

It is deadly when used with Heat Ammo. It is unrivaled in back attacks. (See: Ambush Fighter)

Heat Ammo


When Heat Ammo is activated, each bullet Queen fires will reduce their high explosive defense. This effect also damages the opponent over a period of time.

This skill, which is especially effective in securing a kill, makes it almost impossible to escape from Queen's range with low HP.

Ambush Fighter


Queen's bullets deal extra damage when they hit the opponent from behind.



Enemy XBTs under the effect of Jammer cannot use skills for a while.

While effective enough on its own, depending on selected mods, Jammer can cast prolonged aura at a location or slow down opponent's speed, making it difficult to get close to Queen.

XBT Name



Arwyn "Dame" Gladsworth


Medium Tracked XBT



Service Date

853 - Present


Soulan Wars, Xorm Invasion, The Third War


Gyston Rifle Workshop, Gyston Technical Institute Association

Design Date



Gyston Rifle Workshop

“The Tradition Continues: Five centuries ago, GRW, the second oldest weapons factory in the World, was established in Gyston. A century later, the Gyston Technical Institute Association, the cradle of industrial revolution, was established around GRW. Today, these two industrial giants bring science, technology and aesthetics together in a new wonder: Queen”

Journal of Xalium Engineering – Gyston Royal Publications – 853

“I must have my Gyston tea every day at 16:00 and it must be a fresh blend. I stock it in 250 gr vacuum packs so it doesn’t go stale. The brewing process is delicate. The tea needs to be washed first, then cold brewed. I should mention that Queen’s kitchen is less adequate than I would like. In times of war, it can also be difficult to find water with the right pH level and rich in oxygen.”

Interview with Arwyn "Dame" Gladsworth - Tastes and Landscapes Magazine Issue 134 – City of Light Publishing 855