XBT Name
Pusher, Support
Team Play
"Slow murder". If you have Ironclad near you, no one can attack you lightly. He is hard to kill and easy to be killed by. The most effective split pusher in the game, he can clear enemy minion waves even without the support of friendly minions.
He protects his minions well and can tank Vulcans to a degree. He can use three different shooting modes in creative ways and punishes mistakes in team fights.
His weaknesses are his low speed and weakness to CCs.
Ironclad has a total of 6 cannons, 3 on each side. They are effective in close combat.
He can switch between the formations of the cannons with its Q skill.
Line formation: Cannons fire parallel to each other with a greater AoE radius. Many minions can be destroyed at the same time.
Triangle formation: Deals area damage while reducing explosive defense of its opponents.
Spot formation: All cannons target the same point. Range is higher with three times the damage.
Cycles through three different formations of cannons.
Ironclad grants damage reduction to minions around him.
With this skill Ironclad spins around rapidly firing from 6 cannons at high rate.
Deals high damage in close range. While using this skill, shooting formation is respected.
A versatile defense and attack skill, it is effective in crowded team fights. Ironclad can also destroy buildings quickly with this skill.
XBT Name
Heavy Tracked XBT
Service Date
790 - Present
Blaxian Movement, Gomov Revolution, The First War, Xorm Invasion, The Third War
Jevizea Armory, Wisetech
Design Date
Jevizea Armory
“My dear Ironclad the gambler calculates all possibilities. No organization would let such a being gamble on anything. But a Xalium Geist certainly desires nothingness and when perfection is combined with this desire entropy is inevitable. It is because of this chaos that Ironclad can win or lose big. I know he beat me without cheating. That is why I had to be his pilot.”
Interview with Dameen Marvaan – People Magazine, Atlas Publishing, 855
"Our education system is getting worse and worse. Recently, a quiz show asked a participant to name the only XBT that an Emperor has personally piloted. This young Serean didn't even know "Ironclad". Emperor Tiglia must have turned in his grave."
Education Corner – Aedinea Sun Newspaper – Imperial Press, 844