XBT Name
Team Play
With Insolence, you can take advantage of opportunities in the early game and get a lot of kills. But his real power comes after the midgame.
An Insolence who can focus on grinding until the late game turns into a purebread carry who wins games by making deadly dives one after another with the power of his brutal damage and speed.
Although tanks are not much of a problem for Insolence, he should be careful when playing against CC players. Insolence is always hungry for money, he is a winner as a carry and does not fit any other roles.
Inso's twingun doesn't have very high damage when used alone. However, Q, E and R all boost the twingun and combine to make Inso a killing machine.
Increases Inso's fire rate. Since it can be used frequently, it is the skill that increases Inso's DPS the most.
Increases Inso's movement speed. Inso can become unrivaled in catching and executing enemies with this skill. It also increases Inso's damage significantly with the right mod configuration.
If Inso's HP is very low, this skill will explode Inso instead of increasing his speed and will allow him to send his enemies to the abyss before he dies.
Increases the damage of Inso's bullets. Its cooldown is quite long. However, when used with Fireburst and Reactor Boost, there is no XBT that Inso cannot destroy.
XBT Name
Vala "Liberator" Voslov
Medium Tracked XBT
Service Date
853 - Present
Soulan Wars, Xorm Invasion, The Third War
Gomov Industry Bureau, Invicta Gomovia
Design Date
Gomov Industry Bureau, Hamnor Arms
“Insolence, whose heroic engineer Rylan Rexlar destroyed the Puppetmasters’ advance, had its damaged geist transferred to a redesigned, more powerful hull. The new Insolence “Mk II” will be completed within a year.”
Collumns of Truth, Spring 865
“Pilot Vala “Piston” Voslov has been given the “Liberator” call sign by the Gomov Parliament for her heroism in igniting the resistance against Xorm.”
Official Gazette of the Gomov Confederation, 865 CE, issue: 114
“XBT Insolence and his iron-willed pilot Vala Voslov mock the machine swarms. No one should to test the potential of these two on the battlefield.”
Daily Stun, Winter 866