
Drastic META Change?

January 22, 2025

There are serious gameplay changes in SSA's 2025_1_3 patch! Here are the critical details in the patch... SSA’s 2025_1_3 is the first major balancing patch of 2025. Although it may seem modest, there may be large consequences to the game’s core mechanics. Let’s take a look…

The following two are critical:

  • All minions' HP has been reduced by 25%.
  • All vulcans' damage has been reduced by 25%.

Experienced players will notice that these changes will increase the overall lane-pushing speed in the game. This effect will be even stronger in empty lanes. We also expect this to increase the amount of xalium gained, especially in the early game. This effect may differ slightly from XBT to XBT, which may force us to rebalance in the future.

Equally important is the change in the "XP reward formula for XBT Kills".

  • The base experience points gained from XBT kills now change according to the level of the XBT.

Experience points gained from XBT kills in the early game could cause a small snowball effect, especially in low-ELO matches. In order to prevent this and reduce the luck factor, we decided to determine the base XP reward according to the level of the killed XBT. Important Note: If you kill a higher level XBT than yourself, you still earn more XP, and if you kill a lower level XBT, you earn less XP. There has been no change in the XP change formula according to the level difference between players. However, this formula is now combined with the base XPs. In other words, the increased risk due to the level difference is now rewarded more. This gives the player who has fallen behind a nice chance to catch up.

Gear System Changes

Stun Immunity:

  • Duration reduced from 30 seconds to 10 seconds.

We heard you CC users and significantly reduced the effect duration of your nightmare "Stun Immunity". Now timing will be much more important when using this gear.

Xalium Stealer:

  • Life steal amount has been doubled.
  • Price has been changed from 3000 to 2500.

Counter Fire:

  • Damage amount has been increased by 4x.

These two gears had become very unpopular with the recent nerfs. We have significantly increased their effects. However, we are still keeping an eye on this dangerous duo. There may be changes in the future.


  • Price reduced from 2250 to 1250.

We think this silent but effective gear can be a good option for the early game. We have made its price more attractive to encourage users.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed some damage and buff skills not breaking invisibility when used.

Yes, we noticed that some very effective skills that were supposed to cancel invisibility did not. We apologize to our commanders who fell victim to treacherous ambushes exploiting this bug, and we are fixing it with this update.

Those are the important balance changes in SSA's 2025_1_3 patch.

We wish all our players a balanced and enjoyable 2025!